Introducing The Compact Enlarger
Turn any space into a DIY darkroom and create prints from your colour or b/w film.

Intrepid Enlargers make darkroom printing at home or in a small space easy. Print colour or b/w from 35mm to 4x5.

Intrepid Compact Enlarger (35mm & 120)
A super compact, simple and fun-to-use modern enlarger for making colour or black and white prints from 35mm and 120 film.

Intrepid 4x5 Enlarger Kit
Utilising modern LED technology the Enlarger Kit will convert your 4x5 camera into a fully functional darkroom enlarger for printing from colour & black/white film.

Intrepid 4x5 Enlarger Kit (no timer)
If you already own the Intrepid Compact Enlarger this kit is all you need to convert your 4x5 camera into a fully functional colour & black/white darkroom enlarger.

Intrepid 120 Negative Carriers
Add-on set of medium format negative carriers for the Intrepid 4x5 Enlarger.

Intrepid 35mm Negative Carrier
Add-on 35mm negative carrier for the Intrepid 4x5 Enlarger.